Priority Program
Colonization and interaction of tumor cells in the bone microenvironment
News & Blog
Fifth µBone Retreat: great to meet all of you again in Dresden!
On April 15th – April 17th we met in Dresden at Hotel Elbflorenz for our 5th µBone Retreat. We started with a brief welcome address given by our µBone [...]
New publication by µBONE researchers!
Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer diagnosed in men. When prostate cancer is diagnosed at the localized stage, the chances of cure are high. The bones [...]
Cancer and Bone updates from ASBMR 2023
by Hanna Taipaleenmäki, LMU Munich The 2023 Annual Conference of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) was organized in Vancouver, Canada on 13th -16th October. Around [...]
Towards a better understanding of bone metastasis
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Despite medical progress in the treatment of the primary tumor, most patients suffer and die from metastases at distant locations, such as bone. In contrast to most soft tissue metastases, bone metastases frequently lead to fractures, pain and a poor life quality.
Once established, bone metastases represent a point of no return and are rarely curable. They are even also regarded as a new source for systemic relapse. A better mechanistic understanding of this critical step of tumor progression is essential to target bone metastases, independent of the type of primary tumor.
The key steps of bone metastasis, including the initial colonization of bone by tumor cells and the early interaction with bone cells need to be better understood.
Thus, the fundamental questions
of our consortium are

To obtain mechanistic insights into these questions, the consortium focusses on breast and prostate cancer, reflecting the most common malignancies of women and men with a high propensity for bone metastases.
The µbone consortium will include myeloma bone disease as a prototypical malignant bone microenvironment disease to gain essential lateral insights into osteolytic bone lesions, which are a hallmark of myeloma. The researchers will jointly tackle the knowledge gap on bone metastases and reveal innovative mechanistic concepts of bone-tumor interactions (as a starting point) for subsequent studies to prevent or cure bone metastases.